Les Tupi is a confluence of international artists' rooted in Europe experimentations, who research the languages that summon the contemporary spectator's sensibility.
The search of forms that are different from the stereotyped languages is present in our work.
We have been working in Belgium
and last year we built up 2 dance solo performances:
Os Bichos - Une Histoire Humaine and
Boekworm - Het Feest van de Vergetelheid.
Os Bichos is performed by Fábia Machado
and Boekworm by Laura Mas Sauri.
The idea of the performances was to create 2 short stories
of 2 differents animals, a cockroach and a termite,
which live in a library and
dance human beings' history through their stories.
We consider that there is not an idealized audience,
but that the work of art,
as eternal staging of the search of meaning
that characterizes the human beings, that liberates them of alienation,
should be accessible to all.

OS BICHOS - Une Histoire Humaine

During nocturnal adventures in search of survival means, a cockroach enters a book and lives her first memorable experience through reading the “History of the World”.
Somehow, she believes she is invited to the eternal human party where meaning through history is produced. Uninterrupted narratives of the small and daily stories that feed the flow of the history of humanity. Suddenly she understands the particullarity of the species, the exclusively human necessity of narrating, of telling, of speaking about the tiniest experiences that culminate in the production of meanings of human life. The fight against the strangeness of the world and its alienation, the solitude and the isolation are staged in “Os Bichos”.
It is a discovery of the written word and of history, depository of the values that facilitate a peaceful and civilizatory insertion of the man in the world. Performance without spoken word, investigating the written word.
A cockroach with out a human language, dances to the discovery of history meaning. Humanized, she dances to her own unknown history until then, breaking the boundaries of what she is supposed to do. The cockroach humanity lasts until the final blow with a shoe.
From which, however, she escapes, finding again refuge inside a book.
Text and Direction: Silmara de Oliveira Fernandes
Performer: Fábia Machado

Scenography and Costume: Laércio Redondo
Graphic Material: Billy Lipinski
Lighting: Josy Galvão
Video: Laércio Redondo
Production: Kristien De Rijck

BOEKWORM - Het Feest van de Vergetelheid

Of a termite you can expect he will never remember himself, as it seems to be possible to some others. And what to say about an insect that achieves, beyond everything, a kind of agreement with the world? Thus, why can't he live according to the rules of world,
dedicating himself to the simple task
of spraying books for keeping his life breathing?
But not! He leaves the gap where he lives, a wall of a library, to assume the center of the stage, taking possession of the objects forgotten by others, parading an old dress of a lady, reconstructing in this manner a dark and disdained hole, into a wasteland in microcosms. But, at the end, why we feel so much relief, when the insect finally after party, returns to the invisible gap from where he left?
Performer Laura Mas Sauri
Direction and Conception Silmara de Oliveira Fernandes
Production Kristien De Rijck